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We have all witnessed that YouTube video where American citizen (with journalist legitimation) unsuccessfully attempted to bribe Serbian policeman, became instant hit on social networks.

As a native Serbian speaker, I will keep it short: yes, we can see different reactions of Serbian policemen, however, there is no evidence of bribery or corruption. Actually, video shows just opposite - the policeman did his job professionally, he never claimed money for bribe or corruption, he just insisted that driver needs to pay traffic fine in a post or bank and to pay in Serbian dinars. So, the guy who posted a video is a notorious liar.

The problem occurred for one simple reason: the policeman does not speak English. I would give professional advice to Serbian police headquarters: in every patrol near the border at least one policeman should know English to certain extent.

I would like to see what would happen to an American citizen if he acts like this when stopped by the American police officers. He is harassing policemen and he gives false claims. Moreover, he is the one who attempted to bribe policeman and who lies in the entire story. If Serbia is rule-of-law state, this guy should be sued and penalized for the attempt of bribery.

I believe that Serbian police and the Ministry of Interior should protect the policeman who did his job properly, and also prosecute and penalize the driver for the attempt of bribery and sue him for defamation since he falsely titled his video posted on YouTube and viewed by hundreds of thousands of people: "Serbian Police Demand a Bribe" .

Serbian Ministry of Interior should communicate efficiently and quickly regarding these false claims. It is not difficult task: just put the English subtitles of the responses, post a video on YouTube and sue the one who published false story.

Last but not least: would this guy behave like this towards American or Canadian police authorities? I don`t think so. Here is the video:

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Svedoci smo da je video na kojem američki državljanin sa novinarskom legitimacijom navodno podmićuje pripadnika srpske policije zapalio društvene mreže.

Biću kratak i jasan: iako sam imao prilike da se susretnem sa najrazličitijim postupanjima naših policajaca, ovde nema ni traga korupciji. Naprotiv, policajac radi svoj posao upravo onako kako treba i nijednog trenutka nije tražio novac za sebe.

Problem je nastao iz jednostavnog razloga: policajac ne govori engleski i ovo je odlična prilika da upravi policije posavetujem da u blizini graničnih prelaza u svakoj patroli bude bar jedan policajac sa bazičnim znanjem engleskog jezika.

Na kraju: voleo bih da vidim američkog državljanina da se ovako bahato ponaša prema američkoj policiji. Uostalom, upravo je on taj koji je pokušao da podmiti policajca i koji laže da je policajac uzeo novac za mito. Ako smo pravna država, ovaj gospodin trebalo bi da odgovara za davanje mita u pokušaju.

Očekujem od Uprave policije i Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova da zaštite policajca koji je radio svoj posao onako kako treba i da procesuiraju lice koje je pokušalo da podmiti policajce.

Nadam se da će srpski MUP ovu kriznu situaciju komunicirati na kvalitetan način. Nije teško - samo istitlujte sve što policajac govori na engleski i postavite video na YouTube.

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